J’aimerais mettre en place de la visioconférence dans mon entreprise, mais tous nos sites distants sont en “bureau distant” sur Citrix Xenapp 6.0, connectés depuis des machines “vides” contenant juste le Citrix Receiver (des pc hors-domaine, en winxp ou w7)
Je ne pense pas que la visio puisse fonctionner correctement en lançant dans les sessions Citrix l’application installée sur les serveurs Citrix, pour des questions de ressources serveurs, de débit, et d’accès à la webcam du client (à moins que …?)
Je vois qu’en Xenapp 6.5 il y’a la possibilité de lancer “dans le bureau Citrix” une application installée localement sur le client:
“Integrating Local User Applications in XenApp 6.5” -
Integrating Local User Applications in Hosted Environments
Businesses work with a variety of applications on a day-to-day basis, many of which are
installed on individual workstations. Businesses working with Citrix Service Providers
(CSPs) might want the CSP to host certain locally installed applications to be accessed
remotely. However, the following reasons might prevent the CSP from successfully
hosting these applications:
Licensing restrictions
Some applications have licensing agreements that allow them to run only on
workstations and cannot be hosted.
Connectivity requirements
Some applications need to access local devices such as bar code scanners or card
readers in order to function.
Scaling restrictions
Resource-intensive applications such as video conferencing or CAD/CAM software are
difficult to host efficiently.
Hardware or integration requirements
Some applications are tied to hardware markers such as MAC addresses or are
integrated into other corporate infrastructure such as telephony.
As well, businesses who host certain applications through their own XenApp
environment might not be able to work with a CSP due to security concerns or
regulatory compliance issues.
Introducing Local App Access
Local App Access enables CSPs to integrate subscribers’ locally installed applications as
well as self-hosted applications within a CSP-hosted desktop environment. Subscribers
can access in one place local applications that would otherwise be costly or timeconsuming
to host and applications that must be accessed in a highly secure manner.
When a subscriber logs on to a hosted desktop, the desktop displays shortcuts to locally
installed applications and subscriber-hosted applications. When a subscriber launches a
locally-installed application, it runs on the subscriber’s workstation but appears to the
subscriber to run on the hosted desktop. Likewise, when a subscriber launches a selfhosted
application, it runs within the subscriber’s XenApp environment but appears to
the subscriber on the hosted desktop.
With Local App Access, CSPs can bring subscribers onboard more quickly and
subscribers can continue using the applications their businesses depend on alongside
their own hosted applications.
Avant de migrer en 6.5, je demande votre avis, est-ce que quelqu’un a déjà essayé cette fonctionnalité ? :o
Question “débit”, est-ce que le flux vidéo va devoir transiter entre le client et le serveur citrix pour s’afficher dans la session, ou bien la fenêtre vidéo prends ses données directement depuis le client local ? (je suppose que c’est la deuxième solution, sinon ça serait encore pire avec cette fonctionnalité…)