Tache planifiee optimisation de la mémoire CtxBase.exe

Bonjour, je suis en WINDOWS 2003 SRV SP2 en CPS4.5.

Je viens de refaire complètement plusieurs serveurs Citrix et j’ai en tâche planifiée “programme d’optimisation de la mémoire” ! “CtxBase.exe”

J’aimerai savoir exactement à quoi cela correspondant car sur mes serveurs il est en désactivé

Est-ce normal ? quand je veux l’exécuter manuellement j’ai ceci en msg d’erreur :

Echec de l’initialisation de la page générale.

L’erreur spécifique est:

0x8007000d: données non valides.

une erreur s’est produite lors de la tentative de récupération des informations de comptes.Vous pouvez continuer l’édition de l’objet de la tâche, mais vous ne pourrez pas changer les informations de compte de tâche.

Impossible de modifier les paramètres.

Je vous remercie pour les infos.

salut il y a déjà un topic qui en parle, essaie de voir si tu trouve ta réponse


article CTX


Ctxbase permet de relocaliser les dll défaillantes au boot, et uniquement au boot il me semble, il genere / alimente le fichier repair.sfo du service virtual memory optimisation …

extrait de la kb citrix :

Q: What files and executables are used with Virtual Memory Optimization and where are they located?

A: All files related to this feature are located in Program FilesCitrixServer Resource ManagementMemory Optimization Management. Below is a description of these files:

CtxSFOsvc.exe - Monitors all DLLs on a server to find where collisions are occurring

CtxBace.exe - Optimizes the DLLs that are having trouble, by calculating a new base memory address and copying and changing the DLL to load at that address.

CtxTest.DLL - Responsible for testing all DLLs that have been modified to make sure that they still work

Repair.SFO - This is an XML file that has information about problematic DLLs found on a system that will be modified by the CtxBace.exe process.

Bind ####.SFO - Log files that list the DLLs that were optimized and how much virtual memory was saved because of the optimization

Q: How does Virtual Memory Optimization work?


  1. The feature is enabled in the Presentation Server Console under the farm or server properties in the Memory/CPU Utilization Management section. Once the feature is enabled, the Citrix Virtual Memory Optimization service starts automatically. If the feature is disabled the service stops automatically.
  2. Once the feature is enabled, the Citrix Virtual Memory Optimization service, which is tied to the CtxSFOSvc.exe process, monitors all DLLs on the system to find out where DLL collisions and relocation are occurring. It writes the name of these DLLs to a file called Repair.sfo located in Program FilesCitrixServer Resource ManagementMemory Optimization ManagementData.
  3. At a scheduled time every day and during system startup, CtxBace.exe reads the Repair.sfo file and optimizes the DLL to prevent collisions from occurring the next time the DLL is loaded.
  4. After CtxBace.exe optimizes the DLL, CtxTestDLL.exe loads the DLL to ensure that the DLL is still functional.
  5. Other than rebasing DLLs, the optimization process also involves Binding executables to make application initialization time faster.