voila un autre… ça peut toujours servir!
c’est totalement compatible avec l’enhancement CTX115245 (PSx450R01W2K3035)
AUCUN SUPPORT OFFICIEL pour cet outil !!!
Starting with Citrix Presentation Server 4.5, the feature to create ICA files has been removed from the managements consoles.
Using the Citrix ICA Client Objects, you can easily create ICA files to connect to published applications or a server desktop
Version 7.0 of the Presentation Server Client for 32-bit Windows is required on the system where the tool is launched.
If not already present, msstdfmt.dll (included in the zip file) must be registered on the system.
Installing Citrix ICA File Creator
1. Extract the contents of the zip file to a folder.
2. If msstdfmt.dll is not already present on the computer, register it as follows:
regsvr32 "path to the filemsstdfmt.dll"
Note: This tool has been tested on Windows 2000 Service Pack 4, Windows 98 Second Edition, Windows XP Service Pack 2 and Windows Server 2003.
How To Use Citrix ICA File Creator
1. Run ICAFileCreator.exe.
2. Specify the XML Broker address and port and select the type of ICA file to create (to the server’s desktop or a published application).
3. Specify the options you want and click Write ICA File to specify the location where the ICA file will be stored.
Note: The selecting the dump all published apps option button creates an ICA file for every published application in the server farm.
If you don’t specify an XML Broker, you receive the following error message:
"You must enter a XML server!"
If you select an incorrect XML Broker name (or IP address), an invalid XML port, or there is no published application available, the following error message is displayed:
"There is no published application available or verify broker information"
Uninstalling Citrix ICA File Creator
Delete the folder where you unzipped the files.