Error svchost.exe_TermService after installing SP1 of 2008 R2 and sysprep

Hi Doctor :slight_smile:

I have a bug since we install SP1 in a template of 2008 R2 with citrix.

The terminal service fall on loggong with this error: svchost.exe_TermService, version: 6.1.7600.16385, time stamp: 0x4a5bc3c1

Faulting module name: unknown, version:, time stamp: 0x00000000

Exception code: 0xc0000005

When we power on the template without making a sysprep, it works.

We have install this list of hotfix:

XA600W2K8R 2X64001.msp 2X64001.msp

XA600W2K8R XA600W2K8R 2X64002.msp 2X64002.msp

XA600W2K8R XA600W2K8R 2X64003.msp 2X64003.msp

XA600W2K8R XA600W2K8R 2X64010.msp 2X64010.msp

XA600W2K8R XA600W2K8R 2X64019.msp 2X64019.msp

XAE600W2K8 XAE600W2K8 R2X64020.msp R2X64020.msp

XA600W2K8R XA600W2K8R 2X64021.msp 2X64021.msp

XA600W2K8R XA600W2K8R 2X64026.msp 2X64026.msp

XA600W2K8R XA600W2K8R 2X64029.msp 2X64029.msp

But this one we can’t upload it :frowning:

Have you any idea ?

Thanks in advance

Best regard’s



this is a French forum, therefore we recommend you to post your message to one of the many English forums dedicated to Citrix technologies ( being the first place to post)

that being said, the code 0xc0000005 is an access denied error so i’d suggest to plug WinDbg to the process in order to understand what it is trying to do when crashing, or configure NTSD as the post mortem debugger to gather a memory dump which can be later analyzed by either Citrix or Microsoft.

Hi Grogy,

I have the same problem… You can look this topic :

I think you need download and install the limited citrix patch :

XA600W2K8R2X64030 or XA600W2K8R2X64040

But, for that, you need to be Citrix Partners for access to this update…

I am not Partner, and I m searching how download this patchs, it’s a Citrix Joke … :o

The solution it’s XA600W2K8R2X64040

I have installed this patch and now it’s ok 8) 8) 8)